The Usual Suspects Review
The Usual Suspects is a 1995 crime mystery written by Christopher McQuarrie and directed by Brian Singer. The film won two Academy Awards in 1996: Best Screenplay for McQuarrie and Best Supporting Actor for Kevin Spacey. The movie is regarded to be one of the greatest films of all time, partially because of its infamous twist ending. Story "Verbal" (Kevin Spacey), the lone survivor of a bloody gunfight, is brought in by a police detective to recount the chain events that lead to the death of more than a dozen people. Six weeks before the event, five criminals were brought in for a lineup, which they learned was set up by the mysterious criminal Keyser Soze. Despite the film being told in a non-linear format, it's actually very easy to follow. The format even adds to the experience of the film in some ways, with different parts of the mystery being revealed in both the past and present. The twist is one of the best I've ever seen. Even though I knew what the twis...